Thursday, June 7, 2012

I am on my organizing rampage!  I have had three days of organizing completed and done!  First I did the refrigerator because quite honestly I went to the grocery store and bought a TON of groceries (since Annie is on Vacation and not cooking for us).  When I got home with all those groceries and saw what I needed to "tackle" inside the fridge I decided it was time.  Here are the steps:

1.  Put all groceries on counter by category.  This was a good place for me to start when I started emptying it!

2.  Take all the stuff out of the fridge and place in categories previously started.

3. Took all shelves and stuff out and cleaned them.

4. Then I got some bins (clear bins) and placed bottles of condiments, etc in the bins.

5. Now I have a clean organized fridge with bins for everything and a label as well!

Pics will come!

The next day I did the freezer.  Although I didn't have fresh groceries I did the same concept.  I will post pics too!

Today I organized Hollin's room and her bins in her closet.  You see she has a TON of baby stuff and the bins is where all of that is stored.  I placed her items in her bins by Barbies, bags/purses, general baby stuff, Matalie clothes (that is Hollin's Bitty Twin), Rick's clothes (Hollin's other Bitty Twin), and her doll hair stuff.  I am telling you every time I clean and organize her room I have at LEAST one garbage bag full of trash-- I am afraid I have a hoarder!  She keeps everything it seems like!

Pics to come-- see I got a new computer and I am still figuring and setting everything up!

Tomorrow I will be doing starting the garage (hopefully, since I am covering daycare for Annie while she is on Vacation).  :)  If not I have all weekend right????

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