Thursday, October 21, 2010

We have had a blast...

We have had a great time!  This has been a great fall break!  Here is the rundown of the break.

Monday- my first "official" work day off!  I made it a day about me!  My kids went to daycare and I cropped, did my own stuff.  It was great.

Tuesday- I was woken up in the night with a seal in my house, Hollin coughing that sounded like a bark.  It was croup.  I knew it and know that barky cough from anything now.  We have had enough exposure to it and I am suddenly an expert on croup.  We sat in a steamy room and then on the front porch, to help her.  We did this over and over all night to help her.  Nothing worked.  Morning arrived, doctor was called and no more barking suddenly.  Nonetheless, I took her and yep, she had croup.  When does a child outgrow croup?  NEVER-- it just turns into something else.  So we spent the day in bed and relaxing.  It was nice, not what I had planned but I loved it!

Wednesday- We woke up late and they wanted to go to daycare. So I went and we made a craft.. I think... honestly I don't remember much of this day.

Thursday-  Hollin had preschool and I was volunteering.  I loved it and the teacher was THRILLED.  Her aide went home with a sick kid (must be going around) and so she was thrilled to have me.  It was busy but nice.  I was a mom and a teacher.  It was great to see Hollin in such a different capacity. 

Friday- I had more cropping to do.  And errands, tons of errands.  I spared the kids and they played with their friends at daycare.

Saturday- much to my disappointment I didn't find a babysitter to watch the kids so Ted and I could go to the CU game.  BUMMER!  So I decided to take the kids to Halloween with Horses.  It was a blast.  More than I ever expected and although I couldn't go to the game with my hubby it was a great day.  I can't wait to go next year.

Sunday- We took Hollin bowling.  Mary Ann (mother in law) joined us and we had another great day.  Hollin loves bowling. 

Monday- I got my hair done.  Highlighted and the works.  It was great and nice to do something myself.  Also ran errands.

Tuesday- Preschool again, volunteered again.  It was much easier!  But I know I am meant to NOT teach preschool.  The centers, and all the baskets of items and where they go is a little overwhelming and I have to admit, I would lose it if the kids didn't put things where they belong. 

Wednesday-  We went to Little Monkey Bizness and played hard.  Johnny did not like it at first but warmed up quick and loved it. He loves slides.  Hollin made friends and had a blast.  I wore them out but most of all, I had such a good time just playing with my kids.  Johnny's favorite toy was the clubhouse climber almost like this.  Hollin played on everything!  Then we went and met my friend and her two boys for lunch at Panera.  The kids took great naps afterwards! 

Thursday- I took Johnny to storytime at the library.  They sing songs, read books and do finger plays.  He loved it!  I just wish I could take him to more because I know he will start talking with more exposure to this. 

Friday- (tomorrow) going to the Children's Museum.  I am so excited.  Another great day filled with activities.  Then we are going to a Trick or Treat street. 

Saturday- Buff game with Ted

Sunday- getting ready to go back to work. 

All in all, a great fall break!  I love my kids... they are so cute! 

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Teacher perks!

Well the time has come... I am on Fall Break! It is wonderful! I love that teaching has these breaks. The breaks are not just time off but also a time to reflect. Reflect on you as a teacher, parent, wife, colleague, etc. I have only been off since Friday and I have already done some powerful reflections.

I am a teacher... I love teaching! I love the daily challenges, and joys. I love what all the kids say to me and how I laugh daily and often. I love watching the kids grow both academically and socially. I have said all this before. I love having time to think about what I am doing and what I need to do to be better. Anyone that knows me, knows I am competitive and I want to be the best at everything. I am perfectionist. I want to be the best and this year I need to figure out a lot of things... to be the best that I can be! So with this break I have now decided to reflect and make choices and decisions to better myself as a teacher. Wish me luck... will two weeks of fall break be enough?

I am a wife... I love my husband with all of my heart. He is amazing and although life is not perfect at times I am grateful to come home to him. I look forward to when he is home and I look forward to having my home filled with the people I love most. My hubby needs me and when I am working I am not always "here." So thank God for these breaks... to reflect and be the best wife I can be... again I need to be perfect. So with this break I have now decided to reflect and make choices and decisions to better myself as a wife. Wish me luck... will two weeks of fall break be enough?

I am mom... I love my kids! They are incredible and already this fall break we have been busy. Ted and I took them to the circus and today I co-hosted a baby shower. It has been busy! I look forward to this break to be busier. I am going to take my kids EVERYWHERE! I need to expose Johnny to some more vocabulary in hopes that he will start talking. You see I had to make a tough decision... I had to call Child Find and set up and evaluation appointment for Johnny and his speech (or lack there of). He says nothing and actually he regressed a little. I am concerned and Ted is really concerned. We have done everything that I know how to do and so I must take off my teacher hat and just be the mom and let Child Find do the evaluation and determine the next steps to help Johnny. But in the meantime, I am going to take him everywhere and talk to him like crazy about all the things he is going to see and sees. We are going to go to the Zoo, Wildlife Experience, Childrens Museum, Aquarium, anywhere and all places. Johnny needs me and I need this break to be there for him. So with this break I have now decided to reflect and make choices and decisions to better myself as a mom. Wish me luck... will two weeks of fall break be enough?

Bottom line is... I put a lot of pressure on myself and a lot of people tell me to relax. Here is my answer for that... I do put pressure on myself and I always have... this is what has made me into the person I am today. The pressure makes me better, helps me learn from my mistakes and be the person I want to be in the future. I thrive on pressure... is it for everyone? NO! But for me yes... and with that... I am going to have a great two weeks for fall break!