Monday, November 5, 2007

Is it really November already?????

We as a family can't believe we are already in November! October was exciting and filled with many adventures.

I was off for most of the month, due to teaching in the year-round schedule. While I was off I enjoyed every minute of being a full-time MOM!! It was great, every minute but also very tiring compared to working! I give full props to those stay at home moms out there. We went to Music class, story time at the library, lunch with friends, and just played and had fun.

Unfortunately at the end of the month I had to go back to work. Boo-hoo but ready to not be so exhausted. Ted also went back to work full time and quit being a stay at home dad. With this Hollin is now back at her nannies house, my dad. She is happy. Ted is super busy getting the restaurant ready and loving every minute of it. It is great to see him busy and happy.

Hollin also celebrated her first Halloween. She was the MOST ADORABLE pink poodle ever! The best part of Halloween was my brother, Greyson and his wife Amy came too! It was hilarious we all took Hollin trick-or-treating, all four of his. We are a bunch of goobers. It was great though. Hollin loved them!

During, Greyson and Amy's visit we also took Hollin to the aquarium to see the fish. It was so much fun! She loved all the fish and seeing Nemo. Although I think her favorite part was the balloon animal her Aunt Amy got her. It was a palm tree with bananas and a monkey climbing up it. It was so cute and by far the best balloon animal I have ever seen. She also made us all laugh at lunch at the aquarium where she had, or scarfed alfredo sauce.

We also had a great time at a private family tasting event at our restaurant. I can't even tell you all how incredible the food is. Yum-o! The restaurant looks amazing the food is incredible. It was perfect! Not to mention the fact that my brother and sister-in-law was here.

Many of you know my brother is truly my hero and I miss him terribly so to have him in town was the best! He is great and so is his wife. It was a great month.

This month we are looking forward to the opening of the restaurant and my dad's 60th birthday party, finally! We are also really looking forward to Thanksgiving and the CU vs Nebraska game because I think we are going to win! Go Buffs!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Update 10/2/07

Hollin is full on walking now! She is very proud of herself, it is adorable! When she is walking she will put her hands up to show me "how big she is" and loses her balance but nonetheless, thinks it is hilarious. She is also clapping and once again is so proud of herself. Her favorite thing to do is play with her baby grand piano and dance along with the music. She is full of energy and makes Ted and I laugh daily and quite often.

Today we also got her pictures at shutterbugs! She was a little more difficult and not quite as easy as she has been in the past but we got some great pictures. She wore her new pink tutu outfit with her name on the bottom. She also dressed like a little cowgirl, wore an adorable pink polka-dot dress and a jean jacket with matching pants. Of course, she looked so cute but she would look cute in a paper bag. We also got her a picture of her in the tutu for her room with special effects- it is black and white with only her name on her bottom in pink! You will have to see it because I can't nearly describe how cute it is.

She is also eating like crazy but still skinny! She loves her fruits and veggies. In fact, if we give her either a fruit or veggie first instead of her other food. This is not something I am upset about it just cracks me up.

Our family restaurant is scheduled to open the first weekend of November which is keeping Ted busy! The food is going to be AWESOME! I have tasted a few things.

Pictures will be posted soon!

Monday, September 17, 2007


Hello Friends and Family, We have started this blog to keep people informed on what is going on in the Vanderveen house! It is here you will receive updates on Hilary, Ted and most importantly, Hollin. You will also get to view latest pics, etc. Please bookmark this page and visit often!

As I am writing this post, Hollin is walking across the living room, and for those of you who have been to our house- she is walking from the coffee table to the TV. Way to go Hollin. I might add, while she is walking she is carrying a little purse she got on her birthday. She loves that thing! Oh-no! Just like her mommy! The Coach shopping begins!!!!!!! She also tells you lots of little details (jibberish) as she walks. She is so proud of herself. Last night she started clapping as we watched the Emmy's with our friends, Hilary's BFF- Greg and Megan! Once again Way to Go, Hollin! She continues to amaze us everyday.