Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Discipline or Behavior

The question is how do you discipline your child?  Hollin has been testing us a lot lately and quite honestly I don't know what to do.  We do the best we can and sometimes I wonder if it good enough?  Is she learning her lesson?  How do we know she is getting what she is doing?  The parenting and discipline debate is a topic of conversation in my daily life.  Remember I am a teacher and I deal with kids everyday, kids who are all disciplined very differently.  These are the type of kids (based on discipline):

1. The "teacher pleaser"-- The kid who NEVER gets in trouble.  They are perfect.  You know you will never have to talk to them about anything other than positive.  You wonder what their parents did to make them perfect, how do these parents discipline???
2. The "slipper but learner"--The kid who slips and occasionally gets in trouble but stops as soon as they are warned.  The most you ever have to talk to them about is talking. Again, how do these parents discipline so that their kid understands NO or STOP?
3. The "sneak"--The kid who gets in trouble and more than occasionally.  They test you to make sure you know what you are doing and if you are paying attention. What method are their parents using and do they know it is only working to a certain not so good level?
4. The "naughty but cute"-- The kid who is naughty and you have to talk to them a lot but they are so stinking cute so you just don't get so mad.  These kids typically have the same name (which I will not share to avoid offending anyone).  What method are they using?  Do they know that their method stinks and it does not work at all? Or are they confused or not as tough because they know how cute their kid is?
5. The kid who is horrible, they are not cute, they don't get the point and continue to push the buttons all the time.  Do they EVEN discipline their child?

So my fear?  I do not want my kids to fall into any of the categories above beside #1!  I guess we could settle for #2 as well!  I really want Hollin to be perfect!  Does she just do this for us?  What method of discipline do we do?  I know a lot of people are for Love and Logic but I am not sold completely.  So what to do?  I want my perfect angel that I love and adore but today... today was rough!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

California dream part 2

We arrived in California just in time for my kids to be cranky from lack of food. Once we got to our destination, (a little cottage on the first tee of the country club my parents belong to), my mom had a whole smorgesboard of food for us. The kids settled on spaghetti-os and fruit. Meanwhile, dad ordered us room service from the club house, our choice: petite cut of prime rib complete with Yorkshire pudding. It was heavenly. This night was our first night and I needed to figure out sleeping arrangements for the kids. Hollin had an air mattress that would fit perfectly in the dining area off to the side, (doesn't sound good but Hollin got rather comfortable and fell asleep before we even said bedtime), Johnny's sleeping quarters were a rather large closet complete with his pack n play. He loved it and slept like a champ the whole time.

Sunday... We wake up and the kids are rearing to go. I fed the kids breakfast with the stuff that my mom had bought for us in the cottage.  Meanwhile, my dad shows up and takes Hollin for a ride in the golf cart.  They stopped for breakfast and Hollin had another breakfast.  She ate like a champ this trip.  Who wouldn't when they get to select from kid approved items on the kids menu?  The day was filled with fun!  Hollin hung out with Dad for a while, Johnny and I had lunch with mom, dad took Hollin swimming it was perfect.  That night after my dad and Ted played golf we had a wonderful evening eating at the club.  Everytime I sit in the beautiful clubhouse I look out at the beautiful scenery and notice the mountain ahead.  It is beautiful and my grandfather, Herbie and my grandmother, Llenie, enjoyed.  Which makes me miss them even more.

Monday... we were already on day two!  Really?  This was already going to fast and I was not happy about it.  The previous night Hollin slept at my parents house.  She slept with Papa and quite honestly could not be happier.  It was great to see her so happy after such an awful winter.  We spent the day enjoying the sunshine complete with another trip to the pool and dinner at my parents.  The kids enjoyed the dinner at my parents because they go to "play" golf on the course that they live on.  Technically they just hit a plastic ball around while on the course, which they thought was just a yard.  Another wonderful day.

Tuesday... was wonderful!  By far the best day there!  I got to play 18 holes with my husband.  I NEVER get to play 18 holes with my husband and HARDLY ever get time with just him. It was perfect and it was almost like we were on our honeymoon again.  I can't really describe it but it was wonderful.  I played really well and so did Ted.  It was a perfect day.  That night we ate at the club again!

Wednesday... I woke up with tears in my eyes realizing that we were already half way through the week.  I was dreading the departure from my dream.  I got to enjoy time with my parents, my kids and most of all my husband.  We needed this and as selfish as this sound, deserved it.  Ted played golf again, I had to go to Old Navy and buy clothes for Johnny that were true to his size and FIT HIM!  This is the first time in his life that he has fit in clothes that are meant to fit a child his age.  It was quite the celebration... the little things I tell you, the little things.  We had another delicious lunch and best of all a long naptime.  Remember when you use to complain about taking a nap?  If only you knew how you would feel later on.  I love naps!  I love naps with my kids laying next to me.  That night for dinner, mom was a little under the weather so we had dinner with just dad.  I missed mom, but we had a wonderful dinner with my dad.

Thursday... I got to play golf again with my hubster.  Again, it was perfect and so fun.  However, it was HOT, really HOT!!  We are talking 102 degrees.  I played ok until I was too hot to play.  Which I have never truly experienced here but it is possible.  We had a dinner with just the four of us at the club which was sad but wonderful.  I enjoy all my time with my parents but it was just getting to be too much for them.  Funny how they get tired and worn out but a mom can not.

Friday... My dad and Ted got to play golf with my great Uncle Johnny (yes, we took the Johnny from him- but not his name-- my John is a family name, we just call him Johnny) and he played with my dad's cousin husband.  It was great to see family but more importantly I got to see my cousin and her three boys whom I have never met.  My cousin is perfect, she is beautiful, has three adorable boys and a perfect family.  They are sweet and even though our visit was short it was wonderful!  Truly wonderful.  It reaffirms that we MUST plan a family reunion and FAST.  Kids are growing up too fast and some of us have never met other family members kids. That night we had our final dinner at the club.  It was bittersweet.  My kids were tired and super exhausted, therefore, not behaving their best.  But it was our last night.

Saturday... I spent the ENTIRE morning, it seems, packing and getting ready to head back to Colorado.  As I packed I thought about the past week and how wonderful it was.  Hollin cracked all of us repeatedly.  Johnny made HUGE gains in his speech and personality the entire week.  It was truly a dream...

I had to leave...
I didn't want it to end...
I cried...
Hollin cried...
Johnny was clueless...
Ted was stressed about all our luggage and lack of help in Palm Springs Airport...
The trip was over...

Our flight back was BUMPY!  Remember back to my other blog post and the bumps.  I could tackle the bumps, I get the bumps.  I don't like the bumps.  It is really symbolic that we had such a long flight filled with bumps and we were headed back to where all my bumps are formed.  Really?  Can't I just continue to have the peace I had this last week?

Highlights from this week...
Time with my hubby!
Hollin and her hilarious personality and constants laughs as a result
Johnny coming into his own even more than I thought possible
Ted being so happy
Seeing my mom
Seeing my dad
Spending time with my mom and dad
The food

Why must vacation end?  Was it really all just a dream?  Something this good, can't be real... I loved my California dream...