Monday, March 26, 2012

Been a bit busy...

I haven't written in so long because I have been more than busy!  I don't have time for anything it seems, well unless it has to do with teaching 3rd graders or helping my family here at home!  All this time I have (really lack of time) reminds me of my blog and some helpful tips for a crazy anal, organized mom! 

So here we have it, another tip:

When doing laundry, which seems to never end, I have a laundry basket for each bedroom (Hollin has a pink basket, Johnny has a blue basket, and Ted and I have white).  I do all the laundry together because with this system there is no reason to do Johnny's or Hollin's separately.  Also, I have to wait forever to fill my washing machine (it is MASSIVE) with just their clothes.  So, I throw in the clothes like a normal person and wash them (with my socks pinned together) and throw them in the dryer. 

When it is time to pull them out of the dryer I fold the clothes and place them in the corresponding colored basket.  If it is an item that needs hung up I have a cheap, hanging rack from The Container Store and I hang the clothes up there (usually on matching colored hangers to the laundry baskets).  Then when it is time to put clothes away all I have to do is carry the blue laundry basket and blue hanger items up to Johnny's room, put them away which takes like 5 mins tops and move on!  I love this system and it works for me! 

Pictures to come of all these systems I promise!  I just need time to do it!  :) 

Happy Organizing! 

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