Comparisons stink! I am a teacher, who CONSTANTLY tells parents NOT to compare their child with other children in their class or age cohort. What have I been guilty of lately? Yep, you named it- compare my children to other children in their age cohort. It is pathetic but yet I do it. Johnny isn't walking but another baby, who is a girl, is and really good. We are not talking the drunk sailor walk but rather full on running! My little boy is not running or walking yet. Is this something I really need? Can't I just embrace my little boy for what he is! ABSOLUTELY! Of course there are things he isn't doing yet but there are things he is doing! Has anyone ever seen a kid eat like mine? Doubt it! Also, he is a better army crawler than any army guy. I love him! All of him, my little hunk of love!
So I am fully aware of the fact that I am not going to compare Johnny but does not mean I don't compare Hollin to other children that are three almost four. And I am proud! My daughter is a CHAMP of a swimmer and quite good at gymnastics. Can she do the crap walk? No, but why bother! I mean really who does the crab walk, and likes it! She struggles with listening and after some major reflection what three year old doesn't! Don't get me wrong I am not making excuses but I am also not going to over analyze it.
So my kids aren't perfect, and like every other kid. Please tell me which kid is! That in a nutshell is why I love kids and devote so much of my time to kids. They are all so unique and different and bring us light we didn't know existed. And for this I am grateful and blessed. I love you peanut and boo bear! ;)
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