Our days are filled with excitement around here. The excitement has nothing to do with me, Ted, Johnny or anything else except Santa. Hollin is beyond excited to see Santa and have him bring her toys. She gets it! I can honestly say this is the first year that she totally gets it. We have been counting down to the BIG arrival, watching Buddy our elf move each night Elf on a Shelf. It has been fun. I am just as excited, if not more, for Santa's arrival.
What did Hollin ask Santa for? Twin babies. She wants these. Ironically, mom and I ended up at the new American Girl store here in Colorado and picked these up for Christmas just because we thought she would love them. Since then we have been getting frequent catalogs and each and every time Hollin pick those twins out and tells me she wants them. She asked Santa and has been so good because Santa has been watching her. Adorable I know. She has not really asked for anything else. She would be totally and completely content on just them. But I on the other hand went a little nuts on both of my kids. They are getting Christmas and I can't wait to see Christmas morning with them. Ted and I went shopping together and we got this, this, and this. We also got a lot more stuff but you get the gist. Our kids are going to be spoiled.
Last night, we went to the kids daycare party and Santa came. Hollin loved it! Johnny on the other hand... not a fan. Hollin got a kitty cat (stuffed) in a purse, and Johnny got a hammer bench. They love their new toys and it was so fun for them to see Santa. It was great that Santa also knew to talk to Hollin about eating her dinner. He is watching you!
So just like Buddy the Elf says, "Santa! I know him!" with pure excitement. My kids are feeling the same way.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Christmastime is Here...
We are a few days into December and in full force here for Christmas. Complete with 5 trees, millions of animatronic Christmas toys and the Grinch on the roof. We are after all, Griswold wanna be's and I think I was raised to be a Griswold from the beginning.
I remember as a kid my mom would always joke about being the Griswolds but I am now realizing, as an adult she was not kidding. We are and will continue to be the Griswolds. Mom would always joke about putting us in matching outfits for outings.
I remember one Christmas when my sister was coming home from college (it was her first Christmas home from college). My grandparents, Llenie and Herbie sent my family thesehideous amazing Christmas sweatshirts that light up. My mom had us wear them to the airport to pick up my sister. The WHOLE family, mom, dad, Greyson and I. I being 9 thought it was BRILLANT and I loved the idea. I wore my sweatshirt proud and marched through the airport excited to see what she thought of these WONDERFUL sweatshirts. Meanwhile, my brother and dad had their coats zipped up to their eyeballs so no one would see. Then the moment came, we were at the gate (before 9-11-01) and mom insisted on having us turn on our sweatshirts and have them blink as my sister walked off the tarmac and greeted our family for the holidays. I, proud and happy 9 year old, stood there and waited. I finally saw her, my sister, heading towards us and she got closer and closer. Even closer. Then she... walked right past us. She acted like she didn't even know us. Do you blame her? This is close but not exact of what the sweater looked like.
I remember as a kid my mom would always joke about being the Griswolds but I am now realizing, as an adult she was not kidding. We are and will continue to be the Griswolds. Mom would always joke about putting us in matching outfits for outings.
I remember one Christmas when my sister was coming home from college (it was her first Christmas home from college). My grandparents, Llenie and Herbie sent my family these
These are the moments that I laugh about as an adult and I see myself doing already to my poor kids. I looked and LOOKED for my kids to have matching Christmas outfits. Now before you laugh, realize that this is not too far fetched. It is possible thanks to places like this. The price is not right and my husband did not want it, have it! But let me ask you this... is there anything cuter than a matching family? I really want to be this family.
With the kids are new traditions for the holidays. These traditions will not be matching outfits but I do think it should be matching PJs at least.
So here is to all the new traditions and fun times ahead kids. Don't mind what I do... it is all about the experience and memories.
"Clark: We're kicking off our fun old fashion family Christmas by heading out into the country in the old front-wheel drive sleigh to embrace the frosty majesty of the winter landscape and select that most important of Christmas symbols.
Audrey: We're not coming all the way out here just to get one of those stupid ties with Santa Clauses on it are we?
Clark: No, I have one of those at home."
Audrey: We're not coming all the way out here just to get one of those stupid ties with Santa Clauses on it are we?
Clark: No, I have one of those at home."
Thursday, October 21, 2010
We have had a blast...
We have had a great time! This has been a great fall break! Here is the rundown of the break.
Monday- my first "official" work day off! I made it a day about me! My kids went to daycare and I cropped, did my own stuff. It was great.
Tuesday- I was woken up in the night witha seal in my house, Hollin coughing that sounded like a bark. It was croup. I knew it and know that barky cough from anything now. We have had enough exposure to it and I am suddenly an expert on croup. We sat in a steamy room and then on the front porch, to help her. We did this over and over all night to help her. Nothing worked. Morning arrived, doctor was called and no more barking suddenly. Nonetheless, I took her and yep, she had croup. When does a child outgrow croup? NEVER-- it just turns into something else. So we spent the day in bed and relaxing. It was nice, not what I had planned but I loved it!
Wednesday- We woke up late and they wanted to go to daycare. So I went and we made a craft.. I think... honestly I don't remember much of this day.
Thursday- Hollin had preschool and I was volunteering. I loved it and the teacher was THRILLED. Her aide went home with a sick kid (must be going around) and so she was thrilled to have me. It was busy but nice. I was a mom and a teacher. It was great to see Hollin in such a different capacity.
Friday- I had more cropping to do. And errands, tons of errands. I spared the kids and they played with their friends at daycare.
Saturday- much to my disappointment I didn't find a babysitter to watch the kids so Ted and I could go to the CU game. BUMMER! So I decided to take the kids to Halloween with Horses. It was a blast. More than I ever expected and although I couldn't go to the game with my hubby it was a great day. I can't wait to go next year.
Sunday- We took Hollin bowling. Mary Ann (mother in law) joined us and we had another great day. Hollin loves bowling.
Monday- I got my hair done. Highlighted and the works. It was great and nice to do something myself. Also ran errands.
Tuesday- Preschool again, volunteered again. It was much easier! But I know I am meant to NOT teach preschool. The centers, and all the baskets of items and where they go is a little overwhelming and I have to admit, I would lose it if the kids didn't put things where they belong.
Wednesday- We went to Little Monkey Bizness and played hard. Johnny did not like it at first but warmed up quick and loved it. He loves slides. Hollin made friends and had a blast. I wore them out but most of all, I had such a good time just playing with my kids. Johnny's favorite toy was the clubhouse climber almost like this. Hollin played on everything! Then we went and met my friend and her two boys for lunch at Panera. The kids took great naps afterwards!
Thursday- I took Johnny to storytime at the library. They sing songs, read books and do finger plays. He loved it! I just wish I could take him to more because I know he will start talking with more exposure to this.
Friday- (tomorrow) going to the Children's Museum. I am so excited. Another great day filled with activities. Then we are going to a Trick or Treat street.
Saturday- Buff game with Ted
Sunday- getting ready to go back to work.
All in all, a great fall break! I love my kids... they are so cute!
Monday- my first "official" work day off! I made it a day about me! My kids went to daycare and I cropped, did my own stuff. It was great.
Tuesday- I was woken up in the night with
Wednesday- We woke up late and they wanted to go to daycare. So I went and we made a craft.. I think... honestly I don't remember much of this day.
Thursday- Hollin had preschool and I was volunteering. I loved it and the teacher was THRILLED. Her aide went home with a sick kid (must be going around) and so she was thrilled to have me. It was busy but nice. I was a mom and a teacher. It was great to see Hollin in such a different capacity.
Friday- I had more cropping to do. And errands, tons of errands. I spared the kids and they played with their friends at daycare.
Saturday- much to my disappointment I didn't find a babysitter to watch the kids so Ted and I could go to the CU game. BUMMER! So I decided to take the kids to Halloween with Horses. It was a blast. More than I ever expected and although I couldn't go to the game with my hubby it was a great day. I can't wait to go next year.
Sunday- We took Hollin bowling. Mary Ann (mother in law) joined us and we had another great day. Hollin loves bowling.
Monday- I got my hair done. Highlighted and the works. It was great and nice to do something myself. Also ran errands.
Tuesday- Preschool again, volunteered again. It was much easier! But I know I am meant to NOT teach preschool. The centers, and all the baskets of items and where they go is a little overwhelming and I have to admit, I would lose it if the kids didn't put things where they belong.
Wednesday- We went to Little Monkey Bizness and played hard. Johnny did not like it at first but warmed up quick and loved it. He loves slides. Hollin made friends and had a blast. I wore them out but most of all, I had such a good time just playing with my kids. Johnny's favorite toy was the clubhouse climber almost like this. Hollin played on everything! Then we went and met my friend and her two boys for lunch at Panera. The kids took great naps afterwards!
Thursday- I took Johnny to storytime at the library. They sing songs, read books and do finger plays. He loved it! I just wish I could take him to more because I know he will start talking with more exposure to this.
Friday- (tomorrow) going to the Children's Museum. I am so excited. Another great day filled with activities. Then we are going to a Trick or Treat street.
Saturday- Buff game with Ted
Sunday- getting ready to go back to work.
All in all, a great fall break! I love my kids... they are so cute!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Teacher perks!
Well the time has come... I am on Fall Break! It is wonderful! I love that teaching has these breaks. The breaks are not just time off but also a time to reflect. Reflect on you as a teacher, parent, wife, colleague, etc. I have only been off since Friday and I have already done some powerful reflections.
I am a teacher... I love teaching! I love the daily challenges, and joys. I love what all the kids say to me and how I laugh daily and often. I love watching the kids grow both academically and socially. I have said all this before. I love having time to think about what I am doing and what I need to do to be better. Anyone that knows me, knows I am competitive and I want to be the best at everything. I am perfectionist. I want to be the best and this year I need to figure out a lot of things... to be the best that I can be! So with this break I have now decided to reflect and make choices and decisions to better myself as a teacher. Wish me luck... will two weeks of fall break be enough?
I am a wife... I love my husband with all of my heart. He is amazing and although life is not perfect at times I am grateful to come home to him. I look forward to when he is home and I look forward to having my home filled with the people I love most. My hubby needs me and when I am working I am not always "here." So thank God for these breaks... to reflect and be the best wife I can be... again I need to be perfect. So with this break I have now decided to reflect and make choices and decisions to better myself as a wife. Wish me luck... will two weeks of fall break be enough?
I am mom... I love my kids! They are incredible and already this fall break we have been busy. Ted and I took them to the circus and today I co-hosted a baby shower. It has been busy! I look forward to this break to be busier. I am going to take my kids EVERYWHERE! I need to expose Johnny to some more vocabulary in hopes that he will start talking. You see I had to make a tough decision... I had to call Child Find and set up and evaluation appointment for Johnny and his speech (or lack there of). He says nothing and actually he regressed a little. I am concerned and Ted is really concerned. We have done everything that I know how to do and so I must take off my teacher hat and just be the mom and let Child Find do the evaluation and determine the next steps to help Johnny. But in the meantime, I am going to take him everywhere and talk to him like crazy about all the things he is going to see and sees. We are going to go to the Zoo, Wildlife Experience, Childrens Museum, Aquarium, anywhere and all places. Johnny needs me and I need this break to be there for him. So with this break I have now decided to reflect and make choices and decisions to better myself as a mom. Wish me luck... will two weeks of fall break be enough?
Bottom line is... I put a lot of pressure on myself and a lot of people tell me to relax. Here is my answer for that... I do put pressure on myself and I always have... this is what has made me into the person I am today. The pressure makes me better, helps me learn from my mistakes and be the person I want to be in the future. I thrive on pressure... is it for everyone? NO! But for me yes... and with that... I am going to have a great two weeks for fall break!
I am a teacher... I love teaching! I love the daily challenges, and joys. I love what all the kids say to me and how I laugh daily and often. I love watching the kids grow both academically and socially. I have said all this before. I love having time to think about what I am doing and what I need to do to be better. Anyone that knows me, knows I am competitive and I want to be the best at everything. I am perfectionist. I want to be the best and this year I need to figure out a lot of things... to be the best that I can be! So with this break I have now decided to reflect and make choices and decisions to better myself as a teacher. Wish me luck... will two weeks of fall break be enough?
I am a wife... I love my husband with all of my heart. He is amazing and although life is not perfect at times I am grateful to come home to him. I look forward to when he is home and I look forward to having my home filled with the people I love most. My hubby needs me and when I am working I am not always "here." So thank God for these breaks... to reflect and be the best wife I can be... again I need to be perfect. So with this break I have now decided to reflect and make choices and decisions to better myself as a wife. Wish me luck... will two weeks of fall break be enough?
I am mom... I love my kids! They are incredible and already this fall break we have been busy. Ted and I took them to the circus and today I co-hosted a baby shower. It has been busy! I look forward to this break to be busier. I am going to take my kids EVERYWHERE! I need to expose Johnny to some more vocabulary in hopes that he will start talking. You see I had to make a tough decision... I had to call Child Find and set up and evaluation appointment for Johnny and his speech (or lack there of). He says nothing and actually he regressed a little. I am concerned and Ted is really concerned. We have done everything that I know how to do and so I must take off my teacher hat and just be the mom and let Child Find do the evaluation and determine the next steps to help Johnny. But in the meantime, I am going to take him everywhere and talk to him like crazy about all the things he is going to see and sees. We are going to go to the Zoo, Wildlife Experience, Childrens Museum, Aquarium, anywhere and all places. Johnny needs me and I need this break to be there for him. So with this break I have now decided to reflect and make choices and decisions to better myself as a mom. Wish me luck... will two weeks of fall break be enough?
Bottom line is... I put a lot of pressure on myself and a lot of people tell me to relax. Here is my answer for that... I do put pressure on myself and I always have... this is what has made me into the person I am today. The pressure makes me better, helps me learn from my mistakes and be the person I want to be in the future. I thrive on pressure... is it for everyone? NO! But for me yes... and with that... I am going to have a great two weeks for fall break!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Stich in Time...

Wednesday, September 15th, 2010... a day I will never forget. Had a typical day at work, Ted's friend Paul was coming in to town and I was going home to cook dinner. I was going to make Turkey Stuffed Burgers. It was going to be a good but low-key night. Or so I thought....
Hollin had a immediate fondness for Paul and they played from the moment he walked in the door. It was crazy and she was getting all worn out... I put Johnny to bed and decided to go make Paul's bed and get ready to go to bed myself. I gave the Hollin the two minute until bedtime warning and proceeded to make the bed in the basement.
All of the sudden while I was on my last corner of the fitted sheet I heard Hollin's cry. I thought, she will go to her daddy and he's got it. I continued... she continued crying... I stood for a minute to listen and tried to hear what she was saying... crying continued and so I decided to check it out for myself. I get upstairs and she is on daddy and still crying. Now she cries even harder because I am there. Nothing like seeing your mommy right? Ted says she I think she is cut pretty bad and needs a bandaid. I take a look and immediately spit out and say, "SHE NEEDS STITCHES!!!!!!" Ted says, "What?" and Hollin wants to show me what cut her. I carry her upstairs face down (the cut is on the back of her thigh) and the second I get in my bathroom, where she directed me and I am in good light I don't even have time for her to tell me what cut her. She has fillet herself! I grab a towel, wrap it around her leg, call Annie, get Hollin in the car and tell Ted to stay home with Johnny. We were off...
The ER staff was great! Hollin got numbing cream on before I had even told them who she was and where we lived. I think it helped that one of my student's parents was at the reception desk! Hollin was not fazed at all! She was her perky, playful self and did not get the fact that she had to sit still. This of course was while we waited for the numbing cream to work before the "PROCEDURE."
She did great during the procedure though. The doctor was quite impressed with her cut and the staff loved her. While stitching her up we got the whole story...
Paul and Hollin were playing and he fell of the couch and hurt his shoulder. She was upset he was hurt so she decided to get him a bandaid-- she is four after all! In the process of getting the bandaid she slipped and cut her leg. At this time I thought it was the edge of the tile counter.
The ER staff thought that was the sweetest thing ever and gave her a BILLION bandaids to go home with. By this time the stitches were in (all 8 of them) and we were on our way with bandaids in hand, a pillow they gave her, and all the cool medical stuff she could keep. The whole way home she told me she needed to see Paul and give him a bandaid. Even after getting cut she was determined to make him feel better.
She slept with me that night, and I didn't sleep... I just kept replaying the night in my head.
The next morning (I took the day off to make sure she was OK) Paul woke up and asked me to take him to Urgent Care- he was really hurt. I took him and dropped him off and later found out that he had a broken collar bone.
So this turned into a HORRIBLE accident that I am sure is one of many...
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Not Single Mom Material
This past weekend (yes, just weekend) I was flying solo. Ted and his two brothers, Kevin and Chris took their dad to the CU vs Cal football game for John's birthday. It was a great idea and wonderful that they were able to embrace in such a wonderful bonding moment. However, this meant that I was home... alone... with the kids... after working all week... and with a HUGE list of things that needed to be completed here at home. Ted only left Friday morning but here it is Sunday night, I am exhausted and can barely move!
Don't get me wrong... my kids were great! Everything went really well. It is just a lot of work doing all the "tag-teaming" alone. It takes Ted going out of town for me to realize how much he really does. I do a lot of the "kid" stuff because quite honestly I am a control freak. But he does WAY more than I give him credit for or acknowledge until he is gone. How do I thank him for all that he does? Words are not enough...
I have two easy kids. I know I am not "single-mom material." I think that all single moms deserve more recognition for all the hardwork they do more often! They are amazing and strong! I guess I am just not that strong....
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
I am a chef... well close
I have been back at work for the last month and managed to get kids up, to daycare (with breakfast in hand-- I am not that good), been to school on time, prepared to teach, teach all day (could not be the best year of teaching for me-- tough one), come home get kids, and COOK dinner! The latter half is the big one! COOK! For those of you that know me I am no cook, never have been, never claimed to be, and the FEW attempts that I did previously were D I S A S T E R S!!! I actually made cheese enchilidas without cheese. So I was not a cook. And quite honestly I never thought I would be.
Until this past summer... I took the summer to "learn." I needed to! My hubby works late and my kids are hungry early. I had no choice... and so I ventured into the grocery store with a menu in hand and a list categorized by locations in the grocery store. Don't get me wrong, I didn't do this on my own, I did it with help--- Thanks Annie! I had a menu, a list, and a credit card. What have I got to lose?
The grocery store was VERY overwhelming! VERY! I came out with a headache and I was exhausted. No I did not take my kids with me. I had bags full of stuff, half of which I didn't know existed until my little trip. I mean what is Nam Pla? Fish sauce in case you didn't know and need to know. I was proud. I was one step closer to my domesticated godess that I longed for. I pushed a cart full of groceries for meals, not snacks, like in the past. Most importantly I had a week's worth of groceries for $70.00! Impressed? You should be! :)
My first week of cooking was a success. Ted, Hollin and Johnny (of course, Johnny- my little eating champ) loved my meals. I was happy, and again, one step closer to a domesticated godess.
I attempted it again, another week, another menu, and another grocery store trip under $70.00. It was another success. Week after week I had mainly success. Don't get me wrong I had a few meals that were utter disasters! Even Johnny didn't eat those few meals but overall I have done well.
I made it through the summer cooking. I was headed back to work and I was... let's be honest... worried. How can I work all day and cook? I know other woman do it but I am an "newbie" and not quite a domestic Godess.
I am proud to say.. I have done it! For FOUR WEEKS! I am cooking and my kids are eating, we are well fed. I am now a chef... domestic Godess, not quite (I am writing this with my laundry room full of clothes-- a prerequisite for the Godess title). Who knew? I am proud, and happy! It is great. I feel like I am true mom!
I have to admit that people at school are still having a hard time grasping the fact that I am cooking and I can talk about cooking "stuff." It is fun to see their faces and hear them tell me how proud they are of me.
One other side note, I got my hot little hands on a Pampered Chef catalog and I picked many things I want... again, who knew? (A few years ago I went to a Pampered Chef party and had NO idea what ANY thing was, let alone used for).
Until this past summer... I took the summer to "learn." I needed to! My hubby works late and my kids are hungry early. I had no choice... and so I ventured into the grocery store with a menu in hand and a list categorized by locations in the grocery store. Don't get me wrong, I didn't do this on my own, I did it with help--- Thanks Annie! I had a menu, a list, and a credit card. What have I got to lose?
The grocery store was VERY overwhelming! VERY! I came out with a headache and I was exhausted. No I did not take my kids with me. I had bags full of stuff, half of which I didn't know existed until my little trip. I mean what is Nam Pla? Fish sauce in case you didn't know and need to know. I was proud. I was one step closer to my domesticated godess that I longed for. I pushed a cart full of groceries for meals, not snacks, like in the past. Most importantly I had a week's worth of groceries for $70.00! Impressed? You should be! :)
My first week of cooking was a success. Ted, Hollin and Johnny (of course, Johnny- my little eating champ) loved my meals. I was happy, and again, one step closer to a domesticated godess.
I attempted it again, another week, another menu, and another grocery store trip under $70.00. It was another success. Week after week I had mainly success. Don't get me wrong I had a few meals that were utter disasters! Even Johnny didn't eat those few meals but overall I have done well.
I made it through the summer cooking. I was headed back to work and I was... let's be honest... worried. How can I work all day and cook? I know other woman do it but I am an "newbie" and not quite a domestic Godess.
I am proud to say.. I have done it! For FOUR WEEKS! I am cooking and my kids are eating, we are well fed. I am now a chef... domestic Godess, not quite (I am writing this with my laundry room full of clothes-- a prerequisite for the Godess title). Who knew? I am proud, and happy! It is great. I feel like I am true mom!
I have to admit that people at school are still having a hard time grasping the fact that I am cooking and I can talk about cooking "stuff." It is fun to see their faces and hear them tell me how proud they are of me.
One other side note, I got my hot little hands on a Pampered Chef catalog and I picked many things I want... again, who knew? (A few years ago I went to a Pampered Chef party and had NO idea what ANY thing was, let alone used for).
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Summer is ending... tears begin!
Well my summer is getting to the end... I am crushed! Don't get me wrong, I love my job and I love the benefits of teaching. There are many things that can not top seeing a student grow academically and knowing that you are responsible for it. It is thrilling. However, it is not nearly as thrilling as being home with my kids. I am torn. I love waking up to Hollin's sweet cute face next to my face and her breathing on me while saying, "are you up Mommy?" While she clearly knows I am sleeping. I want to sleep, but then I stop and remind myself it is another day with my kids and it is going to be great! So I open one eye, see that sweet grin and I am up! After laying in bed and hearing Hollin all full of energy tell me everything that is important in her life. I finally wake up.
I go pee, brush my teeth, check out how awful I look and then I go get my "boo-bear" (Johnny). Just when you think man, I am tired, you see his smiling face (which he is ALWAYS smiling) and him say "hi" in a long drawn out HI and the world is perfect. Who cares what the weather is like outside and what is on the "agenda" for the day. I have this moment, this priceless moment and in the summer I don't have to rush through the moment to get them to daycare to get me to work on time. It is priceless. Yep, I am an AMEX ad!
Everyday this summer my kids have done something to make me cherish my life. Then on top of my bliss and cloud nine my husband comes home from work and does something even better! I now know what CLOUD 9 feels like. It is great and I invite you all to come join me!
I am going to miss our hot summer days filled with swimming lessons and activities to keep them busy and my house clean. I am going to miss not rushing in the morning. I am going to miss Hollin waking me up rather than me waking her up. I am going to miss waking up at 9, yep I said 9. I am telling you my kids are perfect! I am going to miss the days of Hollin's rambling and Johnny's smiles. I wish I could do it all. I wish I could do it all. I want to teach and I want my kids with me. I am living the dream and I love it.
With the new school year comes many more exciting things and again, don't get me wrong I am thrilled to have such a great, rewarding career. I do love my kids both students and personal. It is all wonderful and I am selfish and want it all. I will cry on Monday when I go back but not because I am working but because I will no longer have this priceless time with my kids, and really, let's face it I hate change and it takes me a while to get use to it.
I love you Johnny for all the smiles. I love you Hollin for all the laughs. I love you Ted for the consistent fairy tale life. I love my life! :)
I go pee, brush my teeth, check out how awful I look and then I go get my "boo-bear" (Johnny). Just when you think man, I am tired, you see his smiling face (which he is ALWAYS smiling) and him say "hi" in a long drawn out HI and the world is perfect. Who cares what the weather is like outside and what is on the "agenda" for the day. I have this moment, this priceless moment and in the summer I don't have to rush through the moment to get them to daycare to get me to work on time. It is priceless. Yep, I am an AMEX ad!
Everyday this summer my kids have done something to make me cherish my life. Then on top of my bliss and cloud nine my husband comes home from work and does something even better! I now know what CLOUD 9 feels like. It is great and I invite you all to come join me!
I am going to miss our hot summer days filled with swimming lessons and activities to keep them busy and my house clean. I am going to miss not rushing in the morning. I am going to miss Hollin waking me up rather than me waking her up. I am going to miss waking up at 9, yep I said 9. I am telling you my kids are perfect! I am going to miss the days of Hollin's rambling and Johnny's smiles. I wish I could do it all. I wish I could do it all. I want to teach and I want my kids with me. I am living the dream and I love it.
With the new school year comes many more exciting things and again, don't get me wrong I am thrilled to have such a great, rewarding career. I do love my kids both students and personal. It is all wonderful and I am selfish and want it all. I will cry on Monday when I go back but not because I am working but because I will no longer have this priceless time with my kids, and really, let's face it I hate change and it takes me a while to get use to it.
I love you Johnny for all the smiles. I love you Hollin for all the laughs. I love you Ted for the consistent fairy tale life. I love my life! :)
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Fancy Pansy

Hollin is hilarious! Seriously! She might possibly be the funniest kid ever. No I am not biased, I hear this often from many!
One of Hollin's favorite books ever is Fancy Nancy (or as she says, Fancy Pansy). She loves all of the books, accessories and most importantly feeling Fancy herself. Our life is CONSUMED by Fancy Nancy (she even has Fancy Nancy panties). We talk about things being "posh" and "extraordinary" daily. You can count on her to say "ohh la, la" at least ten times in a given day. It is great and I love it.
This past weekend we went to a wedding for a dear friend of mine. It was beautiful and Hollin was able to attend. She had a blast from the beginning. She looked "divine" and daddy was our "chauffeur." It was great. At the reception she met a wonderfully sweet lady whose name was Nancy. Hollin was in complete la-la land. She thought she was meeting Fancy Nancy in real life! She watched Nancy all night and commented on her beautiful dress and elegant shawl. She was enamored. Hollin was also very consumed with the cake (what three year old isn't?) and waited so patiently (or not so patiently) for the big cutting of the cake ceremony. The time was drawing near and she was so excited that she had to "go tell her new best friend Fancy Pansy. It was adorable and Nancy ate it up. It was great!
Meanwhile, Johnny also was able to attend the wedding and he looked adorable as always. He had some madras shorts and the matching madras golf cap on. The woman loved him and he loved all the women. OH MAN, what am I in for? My little hunk of love is always going to be MY little hunk of love! Got that Johnny?
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Comparisons stink! I am a teacher, who CONSTANTLY tells parents NOT to compare their child with other children in their class or age cohort. What have I been guilty of lately? Yep, you named it- compare my children to other children in their age cohort. It is pathetic but yet I do it. Johnny isn't walking but another baby, who is a girl, is and really good. We are not talking the drunk sailor walk but rather full on running! My little boy is not running or walking yet. Is this something I really need? Can't I just embrace my little boy for what he is! ABSOLUTELY! Of course there are things he isn't doing yet but there are things he is doing! Has anyone ever seen a kid eat like mine? Doubt it! Also, he is a better army crawler than any army guy. I love him! All of him, my little hunk of love!
So I am fully aware of the fact that I am not going to compare Johnny but does not mean I don't compare Hollin to other children that are three almost four. And I am proud! My daughter is a CHAMP of a swimmer and quite good at gymnastics. Can she do the crap walk? No, but why bother! I mean really who does the crab walk, and likes it! She struggles with listening and after some major reflection what three year old doesn't! Don't get me wrong I am not making excuses but I am also not going to over analyze it.
So my kids aren't perfect, and like every other kid. Please tell me which kid is! That in a nutshell is why I love kids and devote so much of my time to kids. They are all so unique and different and bring us light we didn't know existed. And for this I am grateful and blessed. I love you peanut and boo bear! ;)
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Mom as a teacher....
Well Hollin finished her first set of Swim Lessons today. She is taking them all summer but they are in two week sessions. Part of her lessons today was jumping off the diving board. My dad took Hollin everyday this week and I must admit I was not ready to see my BABY jump off the diving board. I will also admit that when she did it I cried. Yep, I am a cry baby. It was tough.
After her swimming lessons today she got a "report card." And on the report card it said she needs to listen to directions more carefully. As a teacher, and someone who writes comments I took it pretty hard. I didn't know what and continue not to know what to do with that. I know she is three (almost four) and I know she gets pretty excited about swimming but I see that lack of listening here at home. So as a teacher, and someone who selects comments carefully when placing them on a report card I take it very seriously. The question I ask is how serious should I take it? Her swim instructor is a college girl, and she does have four other kids in the class that refuse to put their heads in the water. My daughter loves swimming and swims without fear (hence the need for swimming lessons) and therefore, she is underwater for most instructions and therefore, her swim teacher is constantly saying, you need to stay above water to listen to directions. This is where I interfere and reinforce what the teacher says. We are a team right? I am worried, nonetheless, I never wanted to have that kid that doesn't listen. But she does, because of excitement, not to be naughty or defiant. So I am really confused. Does she listen to everything I tell her to do at home? NO! But what three (almost four year old) does? Or am I making excuses? So parents, teachers, grandparents, adults, ANYONE!!!! Help me!
Besides swim lessons we have a chipmunk here at our house. No, not JOhnny! You give him food, he eats it. No ifs, ands or buts about it. It is great. However, Hollin on the other hand, cracks me up. She does not eat so easily and normally we fight her for dinner but tonight she ate it all! It is all in her mouth! We had London broil with pasta salad and tomatoes. She is not such a big fan of steak but she put it in her mouth and 30 mins after dinner it remains there! She did this last time we had steak and to be perfectly honest it cracks me up. I can't believe she would rather have her steak in her mouth for hours (like last time) than to just swallow it and be done. It is funny if you ask me! :)
Speaking of dinner... I am cooking! Yep, you read that right! I have had two weeks of successful meals and I am proud of myself. Last week we had cheese enchiladas, chicken burritos, linguine with clam sauce, and turkey stuff burgers. This week we have had kabobs, flank steak, chicken sandwiches and panini's! I have made it all and I have made all the sides! I am proud! I will continue to be proud. This is from someone who has not turned on a grill or cooked a meal her ENTIRE life. I am suddenly domestic! I am proud!
Life is about being proud for what you have... my daughter, my son, my hubby, my cooking it all. I love it! Hollin will listen, Johnny will walk, my hubby will always love me and I will continue to try my best to cook. I am proud!
After her swimming lessons today she got a "report card." And on the report card it said she needs to listen to directions more carefully. As a teacher, and someone who writes comments I took it pretty hard. I didn't know what and continue not to know what to do with that. I know she is three (almost four) and I know she gets pretty excited about swimming but I see that lack of listening here at home. So as a teacher, and someone who selects comments carefully when placing them on a report card I take it very seriously. The question I ask is how serious should I take it? Her swim instructor is a college girl, and she does have four other kids in the class that refuse to put their heads in the water. My daughter loves swimming and swims without fear (hence the need for swimming lessons) and therefore, she is underwater for most instructions and therefore, her swim teacher is constantly saying, you need to stay above water to listen to directions. This is where I interfere and reinforce what the teacher says. We are a team right? I am worried, nonetheless, I never wanted to have that kid that doesn't listen. But she does, because of excitement, not to be naughty or defiant. So I am really confused. Does she listen to everything I tell her to do at home? NO! But what three (almost four year old) does? Or am I making excuses? So parents, teachers, grandparents, adults, ANYONE!!!! Help me!
Besides swim lessons we have a chipmunk here at our house. No, not JOhnny! You give him food, he eats it. No ifs, ands or buts about it. It is great. However, Hollin on the other hand, cracks me up. She does not eat so easily and normally we fight her for dinner but tonight she ate it all! It is all in her mouth! We had London broil with pasta salad and tomatoes. She is not such a big fan of steak but she put it in her mouth and 30 mins after dinner it remains there! She did this last time we had steak and to be perfectly honest it cracks me up. I can't believe she would rather have her steak in her mouth for hours (like last time) than to just swallow it and be done. It is funny if you ask me! :)
Speaking of dinner... I am cooking! Yep, you read that right! I have had two weeks of successful meals and I am proud of myself. Last week we had cheese enchiladas, chicken burritos, linguine with clam sauce, and turkey stuff burgers. This week we have had kabobs, flank steak, chicken sandwiches and panini's! I have made it all and I have made all the sides! I am proud! I will continue to be proud. This is from someone who has not turned on a grill or cooked a meal her ENTIRE life. I am suddenly domestic! I am proud!
Life is about being proud for what you have... my daughter, my son, my hubby, my cooking it all. I love it! Hollin will listen, Johnny will walk, my hubby will always love me and I will continue to try my best to cook. I am proud!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Back in the Day
A long time ago... well about 4 years ago when I was sick I got to lay in bed or on the couch until I was better. I really had nothing better to do. My soul mission was to get better... no matter what ailment I had. I hated being sick and I always made it worse by just laying there and doing nothing. I thought I was dying everytime. Well those times have changed. I have been sick for almost four weeks! It started with "cold like symptoms" and has resulted into bronchitis, both ears having a double ear infection, and of course a sinus infection. I am sick, really sick. But I don't have time to lay on the couch or in bed until I am better. Now looking back I realize that well it might make me better quicker it really isn't worth it. I am a mom, a wife, a friend and a teacher. I don't have time to be sick and I can't spend it laying down. I have to go about my usual life. I get up each morning (much earlier than I use to), change Johnny's diaper, make breakfast, feed kids, get kids dressed, do Hollin's hair, make believe like I am doing Johnny's hair, and then get myself presentable (or close) for the day. This is what I do, healthy or sick. I can't let being sick slow me down. I won't let being sick slow me down. I do feel like I now know what death feels like but hey, it didn't stop me. I am a mom, a wife, a friend and a teacher. I get to scratch the teacher title for 8 weeks but I am still a mom, wife and friend. I am woman, hear me roar! I will be better sometime and until then I am going to keep on truckin'. I love it! I love my life!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
House and Home
As many of you know, Johnny is HUGE! He is only in the 50th% but he seems much bigger to me. In fact, it makes me a little worried because that means 50% of children are bigger than him, which I simply can not fathom. Big or little I love him and always will. Hollin was 17 lbs at her one year appointment and she still remains petite and I love her too. I have a petite girl, and a future line backer! And I love every minute of it.
Since Johnny is so big he eats a TON of food. It doesn't matter what it is. He only dislikes two things. He hates tomatoes and sugar (cake). He really loves meat and potatoes. My grandfather would be so proud and I truly believe he has something to do with it. Back to his eating. He eats so much and just simply loves food. He is now starting to realize a time to stop which is great because he would normally just keep eating until we would cut him off. Some of the foods that he has eaten and wants more of are, pickles, steak, potatoes, beans, tacos, quesadillas, guacamole, fruit, veggies, you name it. I love that he has such an incredible palate and continues to "test" items and love everything. I am afraid if I am going to be able to afford his eating habits when he is in high school and playing as a linebacker. But until then I am going to enjoy how adorable he is and how he loves to eat. He smiles constantly and what more could you ask for.
One last note, as I write this Johnny plays My Little Pony with Hollin. Man kids are truly a light in your life.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Time to catch up...
WOW! I have a lot to catch up on... last time I wrote I shared that I was on bedrest. Well I had our little (little is used loosely here) on May 11, 2009 and he came three weeks early at a whopping 9 lbs. 8 oz. I ended up needing an emergency c-section because of how ill I was but in the end it all turned out great in the end.
The first three months of Johnny's life I spent at home for the summer. Then sadly I had to return to work. I started a new school year and Johnny and Hollin went back to the daycare they know and love at MommyAnn's. It was all great but still bittersweet. I hadn't worked in about 9 months and I didn't really know what it was going to be like again.
I started work and I was lost. I felt like I had forgot everything about teaching. After a couple weeks I got it back and realized all my obligations and everything else I needed to make for a great school year for my students and myself.
So the school-year flew by and so did Johnny's first year. Before I knew it we were celebrating his FIRST birthday. It was a blast and shared with family. Even though Hollin had seriously the biggest first birthday party ever we decided to keep ours small and just make it family. It was a great decision.
So here I am with four school days left and then I get time to be the busy mom that I dream of being. I am so looking forward to it. So here is to another summer! Cheers!!!
The first three months of Johnny's life I spent at home for the summer. Then sadly I had to return to work. I started a new school year and Johnny and Hollin went back to the daycare they know and love at MommyAnn's. It was all great but still bittersweet. I hadn't worked in about 9 months and I didn't really know what it was going to be like again.
I started work and I was lost. I felt like I had forgot everything about teaching. After a couple weeks I got it back and realized all my obligations and everything else I needed to make for a great school year for my students and myself.
So the school-year flew by and so did Johnny's first year. Before I knew it we were celebrating his FIRST birthday. It was a blast and shared with family. Even though Hollin had seriously the biggest first birthday party ever we decided to keep ours small and just make it family. It was a great decision.
So here I am with four school days left and then I get time to be the busy mom that I dream of being. I am so looking forward to it. So here is to another summer! Cheers!!!
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