Wednesday, September 15th, 2010... a day I will never forget. Had a typical day at work, Ted's friend Paul was coming in to town and I was going home to cook dinner. I was going to make Turkey Stuffed Burgers. It was going to be a good but low-key night. Or so I thought....
Hollin had a immediate fondness for Paul and they played from the moment he walked in the door. It was crazy and she was getting all worn out... I put Johnny to bed and decided to go make Paul's bed and get ready to go to bed myself. I gave the Hollin the two minute until bedtime warning and proceeded to make the bed in the basement.
All of the sudden while I was on my last corner of the fitted sheet I heard Hollin's cry. I thought, she will go to her daddy and he's got it. I continued... she continued crying... I stood for a minute to listen and tried to hear what she was saying... crying continued and so I decided to check it out for myself. I get upstairs and she is on daddy and still crying. Now she cries even harder because I am there. Nothing like seeing your mommy right? Ted says she I think she is cut pretty bad and needs a bandaid. I take a look and immediately spit out and say, "SHE NEEDS STITCHES!!!!!!" Ted says, "What?" and Hollin wants to show me what cut her. I carry her upstairs face down (the cut is on the back of her thigh) and the second I get in my bathroom, where she directed me and I am in good light I don't even have time for her to tell me what cut her. She has fillet herself! I grab a towel, wrap it around her leg, call Annie, get Hollin in the car and tell Ted to stay home with Johnny. We were off...
The ER staff was great! Hollin got numbing cream on before I had even told them who she was and where we lived. I think it helped that one of my student's parents was at the reception desk! Hollin was not fazed at all! She was her perky, playful self and did not get the fact that she had to sit still. This of course was while we waited for the numbing cream to work before the "PROCEDURE."
She did great during the procedure though. The doctor was quite impressed with her cut and the staff loved her. While stitching her up we got the whole story...
Paul and Hollin were playing and he fell of the couch and hurt his shoulder. She was upset he was hurt so she decided to get him a bandaid-- she is four after all! In the process of getting the bandaid she slipped and cut her leg. At this time I thought it was the edge of the tile counter.
The ER staff thought that was the sweetest thing ever and gave her a BILLION bandaids to go home with. By this time the stitches were in (all 8 of them) and we were on our way with bandaids in hand, a pillow they gave her, and all the cool medical stuff she could keep. The whole way home she told me she needed to see Paul and give him a bandaid. Even after getting cut she was determined to make him feel better.
She slept with me that night, and I didn't sleep... I just kept replaying the night in my head.
The next morning (I took the day off to make sure she was OK) Paul woke up and asked me to take him to Urgent Care- he was really hurt. I took him and dropped him off and later found out that he had a broken collar bone.
So this turned into a HORRIBLE accident that I am sure is one of many...